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Hi! I'm Cheyan

I am a 23 year old boy mom to Asa and my two fur babies Kooper and Willie. I am a full time 9-5 working stay at home mom as well as a photographer! My husband Aaron and I have been together 6 years, married almost 2 years. We live in the blazing state of Arizona, and while Aaron loves it I want to travel all over the place haha. I do get to travel quite a bit for photos though so I definitely get my fix! I have been a christian for basically my whole life. When I was young my family never went to church, never talked about faith much at all, and GOD always found me. My testimony isn't the typical kind where I am a third generation avid church goer. My urge to go to church started with one of my friend's grandmas sending us all to a church camp and I fell in LOVE with worship. Although I haven't always stayed consistent through my teenage years having God in my life especially while navigating motherhood has been the biggest blessing and I wouldn't want it any other way. 

 Let's be besties!

Can't wait to talk!

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